It's easy to get somebody to tell you something great about Chime In®. Here are some examples:
Kristie, HR Partner, Christian Service Organization
"[Chime In] was super fun for everyone and I felt it was one of the best team building experiences we have had because everyone was involved. I would highly recommend this to any team. Phil did a great job of tying in a fun activity with work-related principles. He is very personable and funny as well"
Gail, High School Theater Teacher
"The Chime In experience was one that my leadership team and I will never forget. We were already a close-knit group but this experience offered us the opportunity to collaborate in ways we hadn’t in the past. What I loved the most was the supportive way we all worked together in a judgment free collective experience. Great for all skill levels and age groups – absolutely fantastic!"
Joni, Business Management Team Leader
"Chimein is a clever approach to team building and a lot of fun! Phil brings it home by not only teaching the technique, but clearly demonstrating how teams work together well. His delivery is as well structured and the pace is perfect. We went from knowing nothing about hand bells to playing a song we could actually recognize in just an hour. Success!"
Jeff, Church Board President​
"Many team building activities have merit, but this team building experience had an impact for us that is impossible to forget. We learned to appreciate the unique roles each of us brings to the team, as well as persevere as a group when things get tough. I highly recommend this experience for any team!"
Russ, Software Program Manager​
"Phil has an engaging presence, a passion for the subject matter, and a unique activity woven into his presentation. I was extremely pleased with our outcome. Validation came in the weeks following our session when team members would make references such as 'remember, every team member is important to our ability to succeed'."
Naida, Church Children's Music Director​
"Our Children’s Worship Team enjoyed Chime In Together’s team building activity while learning a new (to some) useful teaching tool. I would recommend these activities and the accompanying important information to any group of people who need to function as a unit."
Khang, Software Program Manager​
"...with the recent additions of some new team members due to the growing work scope, it was an opportune time to conduct a team building exercise. Phil provided us with a common goal, a common framework, a common learning experience, the tools, and an expertly facilitated exercise that resulted in a team that got to know itself better...
It allows the team to appreciate every team member in a safe, constructive, relaxing and truly enjoyable environment. Every team should be afforded an opportunity to team build in such a manner."